Gretta Sahane, Mumbai |
Dec 4 2011 13:24:24 |
Greetings Kanajarian parishioners,
A wonderful site to visit, and learn the updates on the church. Proud to
have been once a part of this Church, and learn the Word of God under
the guidance of Parish Priest - Fr.Charles Saldanha (Fr.Charlie)
Truly commendable work! Wish you all the best in future!
Love and Regards, Gretta & Mathew, Lucy & John Nazareth, Milliona &
Richard, Rachael,Marcelline & Apoorv |
Sachin Shetty, Melbourne |
Jun 7 2011 10:56:45 |
Kanajar Doddamane Cries for Attention
Dear Kanajar family, please don't let your heritage die! Try to make a
trust of your family and collect the share as per personal capacity.
Renovate the house without spoiling the heritage values. You may contact
Dr Alva of Moodubidri for guidance, or get some tips from Mr Dinakara
Shetty (New Medicals) Kundapur. (skillful worker and guidance). He
renovated his old house spending Rs. 25 lakh now it is a big asset for
community as well as family. Now it's commercial value is of few crores.
It will be great tourist place within a decade. Even all Kanajar community can support for
this venture to retain the history of the village.
- DK Heritage Lovers |
Bharathi Hegde, Kanajar |
Feb 25 2011 17:13:37 |
Lourdes Church History
I would like to know more information about Das Hegde who donated land
to build the church in 1937. I would love to know his legacy and their
descendants also. |
Ivan, Mallibettu/UAE |
Dec 23 2010 23:48:41 |
Wishing you all Merry Christmas & Prosperous
New Year 2011. My love to all at Kanajar. I am far away from you. But I
love my birth place Kanajar & parish priest Fr. Alwyn for his
contribution to Kanajar. |
Ivan, Kanajar/UAE |
Dec 23 2010 23:13:33 |
Renovated Lourdes Church Re-opened
I am proud to say Fr. Alwyn has made a remarkable contribution to build
Kanajar and one of the best priest in Kanajar history. Why I am saying
this is he loves rich and the poor alike. If we look on olden days
Kanajar is just developing. But after arrival of Fr. Alwyn things
changed very quickly. All Kanajar parishioners pray for him. He is very
simple and always helping poor. Pray for me father if you receive my
message. I am really expecting to help you to possible extent. |
Carol Martis,
Kuwait |
Dec 21 2010 15:39:03 |
KWAK Volley ball and Throw ball Tournament
Hi Kanajar President & Team, Very well organized.. we enjoyed the
game... God bless u all. |
Anil Fernandes, Muscat |
Dec 7 2010 22:05:04 |
Renovated Lourdes Church Re-opened
Renovation of church done beautifully, looks like new one. Thanks to
parish priest & committee. May, Our Lady of Lourdes bless all Kanajar
community. |
Pavan, Texas |
Apr 5 2010 02:30:29 |
Wow! Love this website made for Kanajar
Paul Mendonca, USA |
Mar 30 2010 08:42:14 |
Herald Monis Awarded
Congratulations from All of us at the Mendonca Family.
Uncle Julian, Aunty Pauline, Albert, Kaushali, Kaush, Louis, Greta and all the family.
Edward D'Souza, Palli/Kuwait |
Mar 30 2010 17:17:56 |
Herald Monis Awarded
Herry my best friend and neighbor. He is really a hard worker from
childhood, congrats yaar. Hope you will get many more awards in the future.
Philomena Khosla (nee Aranha), UK |
Apr 4 2010 22:55:01 |
Herald Monis Awarded
Dear Harry, Congratulations on your achievement. Wishing you all the
best for the future!
Praveen, Accenture-Bangalore |
Mar 20 2010 12:04:10 |
Herald Monis Awarded
Congrats, on the milestone achievement. Hope, you get many more like this.
Wishes from your students - Praveen and Ashok
Harry Furtado, Kalmady |
Mar 19 2010 17:45:55 |
Monis Awarded
Hi Harry I am really proud of you. Its nice to see your pic receiving
the Prize. May the Good God Bless you and I wish and pray all the best
for your future projects.
Joylus Fernandes, Barkur/Bangalore |
Mar 19 2010 06:50:32 |
Monis Awarded
Nice Work Sir... You are the best example for the word "Hard Work". In
you I can see the real meaning of Lecturer cum Freind. You really
deserve the such "AWARDS" like this. I wish all the very Best and
success to you in Future too.
Clifford, Canada |
Mar 10 2010 07:42:31 |
Henry Britto Elected KWAK President
Congrats Henry (mama). Wish you all the best.
Jessy, Kodimane |
Nov 8 2009 01:41:44 |
Monalisa Beauty Parlor Opened
Hi, good news to Kanajarieans. Finally somethings in Ranganapalke.
Whoever has come forward to the ladies saloon, hats off to them. Keep it
up. Thank you.
Lawrence Saldanha, Kuwait |
Oct 13 2009 18:42:02 |
Monalisa Beauty Parlor Opened
Dear friends, It is good to know that a new Ladies Beaty Parlour has
been opened in our Ranganpalke Metro City. Although the number of ladies
customers in the vicinity for the parlour may not be encouraging, there
is hope in the future as the Little Flower High School grows to College.
However, ladies parlours are generally not run on ground floor shutter
shops but on first floors of commercial buildings or in private residences.
Meanwhile, the Gents saloon in Ranganpalke badly needs some face lift to
be suitable for NR guys on vacation.
Peter Noronha, Belle/Dubai |
Oct 9 2009 03:44:14 |
Hi Kanajarian parishioners, I am seeing your
website first time and liked it. Wish you all the best in future.
Prakash Britto, Kanajar/Doha |
Sep 16 2009 17:31:26 |
Monthi Festh 2009
Great photography of Monthi Fest. I am very Happy to see you in these
pictures. Mother Mary bless all of us.
Manvel Herald Gomes, Kanajar/Kuwait |
Sep 10 2009 23:17:59 |
Monthi Festh 2009
Dear Parishioners, I am very happy to see you in these beautiful
photographs. Mother Mary bless & protect all of us.
Eugine D'Souza, Sacred
Heart Parish, Andheri East (Vallumbala) |
Apr 21 2009 18:41:06 |
Kanajar Sauharda Bhavan Inauguration
Dear Parish Priest Fr. Alwyn D'Cunha & Kanajarians,
I am blessed and happy to know that a wonderful community development
project has shaped up by the leadership and generous hearts of
Kanajarians and well wishers from across the globe. Today I am proud to
say that I am a Kanajarian and the good works and thoughts that your
leadership and team has shown towards the community developments praise
worthy. You demonstrated a example in creating God's Kingdom on earth
through pastoral and community activities. I remember when my mother
told me about this sometime 2 years back to donate some kind and now I
feel whatever I gave that time has come reality and brought satisfaction
to me because you multiplied that a hundred folds and built this
spectacular facility for the community. Thus I learned that generosity
can change and bring marvels only if we are ready to share and see
beyond self needs. This recalls me today's Bible reading which reads
that early basic Christian community had very strong community values
and they shared among themselves whatever they had and sold whatever
they had in excess submitted at the feet of apostles which was
distributed and shared with others etc. This work of your team and
leadership is a replication of building the same community values.
United we stand and can move the mountains! We need more and more
community development works to show our fellow non-catholic brothers
that we are the people anointed by the Holy Spirit through our Baptism,
sent forth by Jesus Christ to make disciples of all people by our good
works to proclaim God's kingdom and love. It is your vision, values,
belief and strong faith in the Lord Jesus which has made us the project
possible and Kanajarians proud today. I thank all the people who have
contributed towards various kinds and means toward this great cause and
shown the community spirit for our fellow brethren's development. You
are really generous people! Congratulations and Three cheers!
May God Bless us abundantly and shower his choices blessings.
Thanks and regards, Eugine
Antony Miranda, Kanajar/Kuwait |
Apr 20 2009 00:10:50 |
Kanajar Sauharda Bhavan Inauguration
Dear Fr. Alwyn and all parishioners of Kanajar congratulations on
occasion of Blessing & Inauguration of Kanajar Sauharda Bhavan.
Antony Miranda, President, Kanajar Welfare Association, Kuwait (KWAK)
Melvin Mendonca, Dubai |
Nov 1 2008 00:28:28 |
Thomas Sequeira ...
I am delighted to hear this news. It is indeed a great credit and a
thing of great pride for all Mangalorians. Keep going. Good luck!
Joel Aranha, Bhopal |
Oct 11 2008 16:51:34 |
I would like to congratulate
team for their tremendous hard work in giving the various happenings of
our parish. May God bless you all.
Louis D'Souza, Muscat |
Oct 11 2008 11:03:57 |
Thomas Sequeira ...
Dear Mr. Thomas Sequiera, Really you are a great personality! Keep it
up. May God bless you and your family and wish you all the best for the
years yet to come.
Maria G Mendonca, USA |
Oct 9 2008 14:08:13 |
LKAE Monthi Festh 2008
Very nice to see Kanajarians from UAE with the big group. God bless you all.
Jacintha D'Souza, Vallumbala / Vasai (Mumbai) |
Sep 13 2008 13:57:17 |
Monthi Festh 2008
Nice to see the Monthi fest celebration by the community of Kanajar.
Hope this traditional Monthi fest continues for the years to come.
Sr. Pauline, Peru |
Sep 11 2008 20:56:26 |
Monthi Festh 2008
My dear brothers and sisters of Kanajar Community,
I feel proud of being an Indian and the parishioner of Kanajar. The
faith of our people is great and the message of the Birthday celebration
of our Mother make us alive and active to share the same spirit where
ever we are with love and devotion to our Mother Mary who brought
salvation to mankind through her Son. Thanks a million to you my
brothers and sisters of Kanajar Community for making us feel at home
through such wonderful programmes. Best wishes
May God bless us all. Sr. Pauline Saldanha.OP
Peru (Ranganpalke)
Precilla Richard D'Souza, Kuwait/Mangalore |
Sep 11 2008 20:25:47 |
Monthi Festh 2008
Real beautiful and wonderful job done by the Kanajarian's. It made me
remember my childhood days, how we kids collected flowers. I miss my
native place. Thank's to
Preethi Mercy D'souza, Kuwait |
Sep 11 2008 20:56:26 |
Monthi Festh 2008
Excellent work done by the Kanajarian's for providing such memorable
pics of Monthi Fest. Keep up the good work. I miss my grand mother
place. and I miss the kobu.
Maria Goretti Mendonca, Kanajar/USA |
Sep 11 2008 19:30:34 |
Festh 2008
Happy feast to all Kanajarians,
I was so proud to see Monthi fest celebration in the internet, felt I
was in the midst. May Monthi Saibin keep you all Happy and prosperous
throughout. God bless you all.
Edward Barboza, New Zealand |
Sep 11 2008 08:53:56 |
Monthi Festh 2008
Great Photography and Video coverage of Monthi Fest. Nice to see our
Dynamic Fr. Alwyn, parishioners and our known and seen faces.
Excellent job done by the Keep up your good work.
Eugine D'Souza, Vallumbala (Palli) / Mumbai |
Jul 3 2008 11:19:44 |
Dear Kanajarians,
I am thrilled, overwhelmed with heart throbs to see the website and
developments in my hometown Kanajar. I couldn't hold my joy and penning
few of my feelings and well wishes to all of you who have made it a
success. Keep up the Good works!
I congratulate all the office bearers of various associations of our
parish both in India and abroad and the Parish Priest and his team. Best
Wishes to all the association that are instrumental to bring this
message our Land - Kanajar to all the children of it who have spread
across the Globe. I am sure this has touched hearts of each of us when
we have seen our Kanajar on the web and read about our own native and
its people and places which is a priceless treasure, specially when you
are away from all these our childhood sweet memories and our
indebtedness to all that it has made us today and helped us to stand on our feet.
I still cherish to remember that we have now everything to cater our
needs in Kanajar and I must say that had it not been the good will of
all its people and leaders who have made this place a Landmark for us to
cherish and remember wherever we may be!
Congratulations and Three Cheers!!
Best Wishes and God Bless you. Eugine D'Souza & Family
Vallumbala - Palli( Andheri East Mumbai)
Eugine D'Souza, Vallumbala (Palli) / Mumbai |
Jul 3 2008 10:58:17 |
Francis Barboza honored Dear Dr. Barboza, Greetings from D'Souza family Vallumbala (Palli) / Andheri Sacred Heart Parish. Was nice to read about you on the net and developments of you. I am from
your place Vallumbala, S/o Florine D'Souza. I remember meeting you last
on Santacruz Rly station and after that we lost touch.
You are still my role model and I draw inspiration from you when my
parents used to share about you during my childhood.
My the LORD Jesus bless all your endeavors to spread the word through
all your Art & Cultural endeavors.
I am working with Times Group now as Chief Manager Administration & Facilities.
Hope to meet you when you are in India.
Best Luck & Best Wishes.
Eugine D'Souza
Preethi Mercy D'Souza, Mangalore/Kuwait |
Jun 22 2008 21:07:13 |
Dear Kanajarian's, I am happy to see the
events at Kanajar. Thanks for the World Wide Web of Thanks
to Kanajar Welfare Association.
Mathew Lopez, Honnavar |
Jun 20 2008 14:10:33 |
Neketr Phanteachem - Devotional Songs
Wonderful songs! I like it. All the singer's voice is very good.
Precilla D'Souza, Mangalore/Kuwait |
Jun 18 2008 17:02:43 |
Kanajar is my birth place. Good to see the
events at Kanajar. Special thanks to the Kanajar Welfare Association.
God bless Kanajarians and their future endeavors.
Victor, Kuwait |
Jun 15 2008 10:50:24 |
Sri Gopal Bhandary felicitation
I agree with Mr. Louis D'Souza. Leaders of other religions did not
felicitate Mr.Bhandary nor they went to his office. Mr. Bhandary visits
temples to seek blessings; while in Udupi Mr. Bhat and Mr. Acharya
visited churches in a gesture to boost minorities' confidence.
Eugine D'Souza, Mumbai |
Jun 10 2008 12:56:45 |
KIDCHAMP 2008 Dear Kanajarians,
Wonderful to see you all online and read about our lush green and
talented Kanajar. More so to know such beautiful events are organized by us.
If somebody asked me what is best place that you would like to be on
your holiday? I would invariable say- Kanajar. Because that is the first place of my life.
Specially I am proud that my own batchmates and schoolmates now doing
wonderful cultural development abroad with modern cultural programes and
Indian Traditions with bond of love and association. I must reiterate that this is a Golden event in the history of Kanajar
Welfare Association - Kuwait. My heartfelt thanks to all the office
bearers and dignitaries who made this a memorable event.
I pray for & seek God's choicest blessings on you that you may continue
your good works. Wonderful Kanajarians & Three cheers! Best regards,
Dev Boren Karun! Eugine D,Souza Mumbai / Kanajar
Louis D'Souza, Muscat |
Jun 10 2008 12:07:11 |
Sri Gopal Bhandary felicitation As per my
opinion, this is not correct to keep healthy relation with local public.
Preethi Devadiga, Kuwait |
Apr 23 2008 18:35:47 |
KIDCHAMP 2008 Congratulations on the grand success of the
KIDCHAMP 2008, every one enjoyed, good to see program like this and children will get encouraged. Keep it up.
Thanks to Kanajar Welfare Association.
Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar |
Apr 21 2008 12:30:23 |
KIDCHAMP 2008 Dear friends,
By the grace of Lord Almighty and the hard work put in by KWAK management committee members,
the first ever major event organized by Kanajar Welfare Association Kuwait was a huge success
with capacity crowd enjoying every bit of the entire 4 hours program. The theme of this program,
"Dance competition" was carefully selected to be accommodative of all walks of life rather than
limiting to a selected community. Universal (non-communal) themes like Sports, Dance etc are the
bridges for different communities to come together and we strongly believe that it is the only way
forward for the World to remove hatred & violence and restore love & peace.
Through this media, I wish to thank the Almighty for making our program successful and pray Him to
shower His choicest blessings on all KWAK members. I also wish to thank all KWAK management committee
members without taking any particular name (although I am aware that some of them have worked very
hard sacrificing their own commitments) and congratulate them for making their own program a grand success.
I also wish to thank Dr. Francis Barboza for taking his valuable time to make his presence here and his
30 minutes performance truly mesmerized the crowd.
Last but not the least, I wish to thank for continued the publicity for the program as
well as for KWAK.
Best regards, Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar
Mary Goretti Mendonca, USA |
Mar 23 2008 13:27:05 |
Dear Kanajarians,
Wish you all Happy Easter. May risen Lord bless you all.
Thomas Saldanha |
Mar 9 2008 10:02:16 |
Dear Inas &
Flavy bai (Kuwait), Congratulations on this great achievement, we wish Sharol further
success in academics. Thomas-Lavina, Dalia, Johan Saldanhaz
Rose Mendonca |
Mar 6 2008 14:33:06 |
Dear Inas &
Hearty congratulations on Sharol Menezes topping the university in her
final year of MBBS. I can understand how proud you parents must be
feeling at your daughter's success.
May Almighty God bless you with many more proud moments in the future
and guide Sharol to reach greater heights. Best Regards,
Lancy, Rose, Rochelle, Rouella & Rowena
Victor Mascarenhas |
Jan 10 2008 23:06:15 |
Wishing a Happy
New Year to all the parish members of Kanajar By Team
Sr. Pauline Saldanha OP |
Jan 7 2008 01:12:19 |
Dear Sisters
and Brothers of Kanajar,
Wish you a very happy and a prosperous New Year 2008.
May you be blessed by the Lord with the greatest wealth of health and
happiness. Sr. Pauline.OP
Mary Goretti Mendonca |
Jan 2 2008 15:33:00 |
Wish you all a
Happy and Prosperous New Year 2008.
Fr. Denzil Crasta SVD |
Oct 18 2007 22:07:01 |
Happy to know about the developments in Kanajar.
Thanks to Gods Blessings Fr. Denzil
Jyothi D'Souza |
Sep 21 2007 13:34:15 |
Good to see the
events at Kanajar. Keep it up... Jyothi Aranha (D'Souza)
Edward Barboza |
Sep 18 2007 08:33:27 |
Fest 2007 I am overwhelmed and thrilled to see the Video and Photos of
Monthi Fest celebration at Kanajar. Looking at the photo/video my memory went back
to my days in Kanajar, except the KOBU. "Thydala amka kobu dinathelye,
atha ek lambu kobu meltha!!!"
Thanks to Srikanth for wonderful and excellent photography.
Are there any Kanajarians over here in New Zealand?
Thanks to Prakash and Vinod for their great work and dynamic role in
Mary Goretti Mendonca |
Sep 13 2007 19:25:54 |
Monthi Fest 2007
Wonderful event of Monthi fest and foundation of new Sabha Bhavan!!!!
May Mother Mary bless this new construction. I am very glad and
impressed with the video in the Though I am not in Kanajar
right now I felt that I was very much in the midst. God bless
Kanajarians and their future endeavors.
Sr. Pauline OP |
Sep 2 2007 02:41:00 |
Thanks a lot
for this Discussion Forum - a linkage to Kanajarians. I feel very much
at home though I am thousands of miles away.
Best wishes from PERU - the land of one of the 7 Wonders of the World.
Sr. Pauline Saldanha OP Ranganapalke (now Peru)
Sangeetha |
Aug 21 2007 16:08:28 |
Good to see all
the events at Kanajar.
Even though I am away from Kanajar I can see the latest updates.
All the best, Sangeetha D'Souza Bangalore.
Nagendra |
Aug 17 2007 09:47:56 |
Hi friends,
Its very nice to see our Kanajaru on the Web. |