Monthi Feast Celebration

🕓 September 8, 2008

Kanajar, Sep 8: The Nativity Feast, known as Monthi Fest was celebrated with fervor. The feast also has the Mangalorean traditional and cultural significance as a harvest festival. Rev. Fr. Ronald D'Souza, Director YCS Mangalore Diocese was the main celebrant priest. He was joined by concelebrants Rev. Fr, Alwyn D'Cunha, Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Pascal Menezes assistant priest, and Rev. Fr. Sunil Menezes, a parishioner presently in service at Kirem.

As per the traditions, the new crop was blessed and taken in procession to church followed by the children who offered flowers all the way. The procession began at Lourdes Primary School and culminated at the church.

The Nativity Feast issue of parish bulletin "Lourdes'achi Zhar", which was sponsored by LKAE in UAE, was released on this occasion. Mr. Thomas Sequeira, a prominent member and ex-president of LKAE, was himself present for the release.

At the end of the mass the sponsors of the feast and the preceding novena week were honored by Fr. Pascal Menezes by presenting them with the blessed crop. Sugar cane was distributed to all the people after the mass.

Reader Comments

Edward Barboza, New Zealand Sep 11, 2008
Great Photography and Video coverage of Monthi Fest. Nice to see our Dynamic Fr. Alwyn, parishioners and our known and seen faces.
Excellent job done by the Keep up your good work.

Maria Goretti Mendonca, Kanajar/USA Sep 11, 2008
Happy feast to all Kanajarians,
I was so proud to see Monthi fest celebration in the internet, felt I was in the midst. May Monthi Saibin keep you all Happy and prosperous throughout.
God bless you all.

Preethi Mercy D'souza, Kuwait Sep 11, 2008
Excellent work done by the Kanajarian's for providing such memorable pics of Monthi Fest. Keep up the good work. I miss my grand mother place. and I miss the kobu.

Precilla Richard D'Souza, Kuwait/Mangalore Sep 11 2008
Real beautiful and wonderful job done by the Kanajarian's. It made me remember my childhood days, how we kids collected flowers. I miss my native place. Thank's to

Sr. Pauline, Peru Sep 11, 2008
My dear brothers and sisters of Kanajar Community,
I feel proud of being an Indian and the parishioner of Kanajar. The faith of our people is great and the message of the Birthday celebration of our Mother make us alive and active to share the same spirit where ever we are with love and devotion to our Mother Mary who brought salvation to mankind through her Son. Thanks a million to you my brothers and sisters of Kanajar Community for making us feel at home through such wonderful programmes. Best wishes
May God bless us all.
Sr. Pauline Saldanha.OP
Peru (Ranganapalke)

Jacintha D'Souza, Vallumbala / Vasai (Mumbai) Sep 13 2008
Nice to see the Monthi fest celebration by the community of Kanajar. Hope this traditional Monthi fest continues for the years to come.

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