KWAK to honor Dr. Francis Barboza on the occasion of KIDCHAMP 2008

🕓 April 4, 2008

Dr. Francis Barboza is taking Bharata Natyam beyond Geographical Boundaries
Kuwait, Apr 4: Dr Francis Barboza is a highly qualified Indian with several qualifications to his credit in the fields of Arts, Dance, and Theology. He has won several national and international awards. In and through Indian classical dance forms Dr. Barboza tries to understand and experience spiritual values and shares that experience with others. Some of his productions include, "Something beautiful to God", "Nrityanjali", " Kristubhagavatam", "Chidambaram to Calvary", "in the Name of All Gods", "Prem Avatar", "Lord Ram", "Deshavatara", Preethinriteshwar (Lord of the Dance of Love) and "Asotoma Satgamaya". In his numerous dance presentations, he presents a variety of themes beyond religious boundaries and is admired by all for his commitment to Indian arts.

Dr. Baroboza says, just as contemporary Western choreographers use Western classical Ballet forms and techniques to express contemporary ideas, he has innovated classical Indian dance form and techniques to the task of telling stories, events and ideas, especially themes and stories from diverse faiths and cultures.

Dr Barboza says Indian classical dance is inseparably bound with spirituality in its inception, growth, development, existence, purpose and goal. It is not just a performance but a Sadhana, a Tapas and a Bhakti. It commands devotion and through it one hopes to realize the Divine in himself. Through dance, the artists aim for a vision of the divine, to use Eastern Orthodox terminology, he attains the beatific vision that is Ananda (Bliss).

Dr. Francis Barboza, currently a resident of New Jersey, has traveled across the globe, performing Bharata Natyam and giving lecture-demonstrations on classical Indian dance over 26 countries of the world. Dr. Barboza has produced several video-films based on his innovations which are available in Video and DVD format. Besides giving regular public performances, he has begun teaching Indian classical dance in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and within a very short period, he has become a popular Guru (Teacher), appreciated and admired by his students, and the Indian and non-community there.

We are privileged to have Dr. Francis Barboza, a Kanajarian himself as Chief Guest for the KIDCHAMP 2008 to be held on Friday April 18, 2008 at the Masrah Hawalli Auditorium, said Lawrence Saldanha, President of Kanajar Welfare Association, Kuwait who is organizing the KIDCHAMP 2008.

Reader Comments:

Eugine D'Souza, Vallumbala (Palli) / Mumbai Jul 3 2008 10:58:17
Dear Dr. Barboza, Greetings from D'Souza family Vallumbala (Palli) / Andheri Sacred Heart Parish. Was nice to read about you on the net and developments of you. I am from your place Vallumbala, S/o Florine D'Souza. I remember meeting you last on Santacruz Rly station and after that we lost touch. You are still my role model and I draw inspiration from you when my parents used to share about you during my childhood. May the LORD Jesus bless all your endeavors to spread the word through all your Art & Cultural endeavors. I am working with Times Group now as Chief Manager Administration & Facilities. Hope to meet you when you are in India.
Best Luck & Best Wishes.
Eugine D'Souza

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